This is not cheesy. This is a fact.
Nine years ago TODAY, on Feb. 16, 2007, Britney Spears walked into Esther's hair salon in Tarzana, California, and asked the owner, Esther herself, to shave her head.
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When Esther refused (how dare she!), Britney sat in the chair and did it herself.
Mbf-sasha-cooper-broz / MBF-Sasha-Cooper-BROZ/X17online.
In essence, a legend had hit her rock bottom. A star had lost its shine. Humanity wept.
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After she shaved her head, Britney went to a tattoo parlor and got two tattoos. When an employee at the salon asked Britney why she shaved her head, Britney said: "I don't want anyone touching me. I'm tired of everybody touching me."
Mbf-sasha-cooper-broz / MBF-Sasha-Cooper-BROZ/X17online.