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Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 12, 2014

49 Thoughts You Have When Watching "Clueless" For The First Time

Cher, stop trying to make “Monet” happen. It’s not going to happen.


1. A montage of TEENS! THE HORROR.

2. This computer that dresses you would actually be very useful, because matching an outfit is an obscure art form that has long been lost to the ravages of time.

3. Men's clothing in the '90s: It was a dark time.

4. "Dionne and I were both named after great singers of the past who now do infomercials." The shade is too real.

5. They have pagers! I had forgotten that pagers even EXISTED.

6. I can now see how "as if" became inexplicably popular in elementary school.

7. Mr. Hall sounds like the dinosaur from Toy Story.

8. Oh. He is the voice of the dinosaur from Toy Story.

9. I don't understand how Cher has a C in debate while another student in the class blatantly refused to participate at all. Is everyone at this school failing debate?

Paramount / Via

10. A Cranberries CD was mentioned. They really spared no expense in the '90s pop culture references.

11. I can't get over the fact that this character is Paul Rudd. I can't even remember his name; he's just Paul Rudd.

12. Likelihood that your teacher allows you to give her a makeover IRL: 0% chance.

13. Note to self: Never let Paul Rudd be your "driving supervisor." All he'll do is talk your ear off about Marky Mark planting trees.

14. Whenever Cher and Dionne walk through the halls of the school, all I can see is Iggy Azalea in "Fancy."

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