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Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 3, 2016

16 Of The Most Fucked Up Torture Methods From History

Warning: This post is NOT for the squeamish! You’ve been warned.

The Heretic's Fork

The Heretic's Fork

The Heretic's Fork was a special torture device reserved for those who spoke out against the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages. With two spiked ends, the device was attached to the victim's neck and only removed after the wearer had spoken words, "I recant."

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The Judas Cradle

The Judas Cradle

In medieval times, the Judas Cradle was among the most disturbing torture methods. Victims would be hoisted above a pyramid-like device and forcibly lowered onto the tip.

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Rat Torture

Rat Torture

Also known as that scene from Game of Thrones, rat torture was popular in both medieval Germany and ancient China. In this method, a pot of hungry rats would be placed against to the belly of the victim. As the pot was slowly heated, the distressed rats would gnaw though anything in their way. Who would blame them!


The Brazen Bull

The Brazen Bull

Legend has it that during the 6th century BC, a brass worker named Perilous of Athens designed what is arguably the most sadistic torture method to date — the Brazen Bull. In this device, the victim would be placed inside a hollowed brass bull with a fire lit underneath. A system of tubes inside the statue would then amplify the victim's screams to sound like a raging bull. The story goes that the tyrant ruler Phalaris was so appalled by this device that he tricked Perilous into entering the bull to be its first victim.

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