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Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 3, 2016

23 Things People With Perfect Teeth Will Never Understand

Palate expanders were actually designed from Medieval torture devices.

The worst 45 seconds ever:

The worst 45 seconds ever:

Nickelodeon / Twitter: @SincerelyTumblr / Via Caroline Kee / BuzzFeed

Making the actual hardest decision of your life:

Making the actual hardest decision of your life:

Instagram: @rocco11510 / Via

And then being stuck for two months with some impulsive holiday theme in your mouth:

And then being stuck for two months with some impulsive holiday theme in your mouth:

Instagram: @bracesandjaws / Via

Waking up the day you have to get your braces tightened:

Waking up the day you have to get your braces tightened:

WikiHow / Instagram: @kimonakimmy / Via /

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