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Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 1, 2015

12 Reminders Why Your 90's Obsession With Leo DiCaprio Was Justified

Never let go.

There once was a time where our very own Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio graced the covers of pretty much any teen magazine that had pullout posters. Let's take a trip down memory lane.

There once was a time where our very own Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio graced the covers of pretty much any teen magazine that had pullout posters. Let's take a trip down memory lane.

Retna Ltd, USA Armando Gallo / Via

It all started innocently enough when your Mike Seaver crush got some little healthy competition in the form of Luke Brower.

It all started innocently enough when your Mike Seaver crush got some little healthy competition in the form of Luke Brower.

1993 Growing Pains Leo was everything you didn’t even know you wanted.

Getty Images

Flash forward: Oh hey, what’s this western movie my parents rented from the video store? OH SWEET LORD.

Flash forward: Oh hey, what’s this western movie my parents rented from the video store? OH SWEET LORD.

So charming, so dangerous.

TriStar Pictures / Via

The Basketball Diaries is based on a book, mom. Totally fine to rent.

The Basketball Diaries is based on a book, mom. Totally fine to rent.

New Line Cinema / Via

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