MSN Messenger, The OC, and nu-rave. There really was nothing like being a student in the ’00s.
When meeting people during freshers' week you couldn't add them on Facebook because it didn't exist! So you had to settle for getting their number instead.
By now you were probably on your second mobile phone – progressing from your old 3210 to a snazzy new flip phone that had a colour screen because you were super fancy.
In fact you've probably still got people in your phonebook from freshers' who you've never contacted since.
Robin Edds / BuzzFeed
But texting was expensive, so the easiest way of talking to people was through MSN messenger.
Because fuck growing up.
But then at some point along came Facebook! And if you were lucky yours was one of the first unis in Britain to get it.
In October 2005 Facebook launched in Britain at a select group of unis including Oxford, Cambridge, Leeds, Manchester, and York. Back in those days you needed a email address, meaning there wasn't a newborn baby or engagement status in sight. Just wonderful statuses like this one...