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Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 10, 2015

43 Totally '90s Pop Culture References Your Kids Will Never Understand

Kids today will never know the struggle of having monthly hour limits on your internet.

"Not the Mama!":

"Not the Mama!":

Dinosaurs, the series about the Sinclairs, a family of anthropomorphic dinosaurs, ran for four seasons on ABC -- and, believe it or not, was actually not the most WTF show on TGIF (looking at you, Aliens in the Family). Of course the breakout star of the show was Baby Sinclair, who had several catchphrases, the most memorable being "Not the Mama!" which he would sling at anyone who was, in fact, not the mama.

Fun fact: Jessica Walter (aka Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development) voiced mama herself, Fran Sinclair. Kevin Clash, who was the longtime voice of Elmo, voiced Baby Sinclair.

ABC Television / Via

Wendy "The Snapple Lady" Kaufman:

Wendy "The Snapple Lady" Kaufman:

It's hard to believe, but it's been over 20 years since Kaufman, then a real-life employee of Snapple, uttered the memorable line "Hi from Snapple" before answering customers' letters in those memorable commercials.

Snapple / Via


Be honest, it's impossible not to think of The Ren & Stimpy Show and not get this jingle stuck in your head. Remember it's "Log, from Blammo!"

Marky Mark:

Marky Mark:

Long before he was a ~serious~ actor, '90s kids knew Wahlberg best as Marky Mark, the lead rapper of Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, and, of course, also giving us good vibrations with his iconic Calvin Klein Underwear ads (eat your heart out, Justin Bieber).

Fun fact: In 1992, Marky Mark wrote his memoir and dedicated it to his penis (eat your heart out, Justin Bieber)!

Calvin Klein / Via

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