Yes, it’s octopuses and not octopi. I promise.
We all know and love Ursula.
She's definitely among the top five Disney villains of all time. Just look at her! She's breathtaking.
Disney / Via
Thankfully, aquarists at the ~legendary~ Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, California — Alicia Bitondo, Chris Payne, and Bret Grasse — knew exactly how to help.
In a tropical ocean, Ursula might have been modeled after the wonderpus octopus.
The wonderpus is named for its WONDERful (get it?) coloration. Ursula would have had no problem seducing Prince Eric with all that extra legginess.
Disney / Andrea Hickey for BuzzFeed
If The Little Mermaid had taken place in a coral reef, Ursula might have been modeled after the blue-ringed octopus, which is about the size of a bouncy ball.
Though it's totally adorable and tiny, the blue-ringed octopus is definitely one of the most deadly cephalopods out there. One bite from this creature and you're probably dead. DEAD.
Disney / Andrea Hickey for BuzzFeed