“We meet again…Shagger.”
Miles O'Girth
From Russia With Love (1963)
Cause of death: Bond throws Miles off a bridge from a moving train.
Bond's quip: “I hope you have air miles."
Columbia Pictures
Arian Schwanz
The Living Daylights (1987)
Cause of death: After a car chase along a mountain pass, Bond jumps an old broken bridge, but Arian's car doesn't make it and he explodes in a fireball at the bottom of a ravine.
Bond's quip: "I guess you just lost the master race."
Columbia Pictures
Testosterone Knickerdropper
Licence To Kill (1989)
Cause of death: Bond shoots Testosterone in the crotch.
Bond's quip: "A little cocky for my liking."
Columbia Pictures
Mr Fister
Live and Let Die (1973)
Cause of death: Bond dispatches Mr Fister in a woodchipper, but the machine breaks halfway through.
Bond's quip: "Guess she needed more lube, Fister."
Columbia Pictures