Remember the monkey that steals Annie’s pen? You can actually see him do it.
1. The show is based on creator Dan Harmon's time at Community college, where he tried to get back with his ex-girlfriend in his Spanish class.
2. In "Physical Education" in season one, Abed does an impression of Don Draper from Mad Men when he pretends to seduce Annie. Alison Brie, who plays Annie, also plays Trudy Campbell in Mad Men.
3. The impression clearly had an effect on her, as she clearly remembers it when Abed does another impression of him in season three.
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4. Patrick Stewart was considered for the role of Pierce, which eventually went to Chevy Chase.
5. In "The Psychology of Letting Go", the main storyline is about Pierce trying to come to terms with the death of his mother. Abed is barely seen in the episode, but if you watch carefully he actually has an entire sub-plot in the background, where he ends up delivering a baby.
6. When Abed references this in "Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts", and Troy asks him how he didn't know about it, Abed tells Troy he must have just been "off in the background".