This week, one woman wrote about letting go of her grief for her dead mom. Read that and other essays from xoJane and Medium.
"My Mother, Mother-In-Law, and Me: A Love Triangle" — BuzzFeed Ideas
When both her mother and mother-in-law became ill, Kim S. Acosta found herself in a love triangle. Though she wanted to be a better daughter to her birth mom, her mother-in-law gave her the uncomplicated love that she had always desired. Read her story at BuzzFeed Ideas.
"To Pimp the Black Woman: on Kendrick Lamar’s Limited Black Liberation" — Medium
Kendrick Lamar's "To Pimp a Butterfly," already heralded as a classic, has become a portrait of race dynamics in post-Ferguson America. Despite the rapper's lyrical talent and masterful storytelling, however, there is one key problem with the album: It contains barely any discussion on the liberation of black women, Raquel Willis wrote in an essay for Medium this week. "For an album that is being touted as a great reflection of racial oppression it does so at the expense of black women." Read it at Medium.
"Why Cops Like Me Are Quiet" — BuzzFeed Ideas
Graham Campbell, who is a former NYPD officer, wrote a piece on why cops aren't speaking out about police brutality. While you might not like what he has to say, his honesty makes for a compelling essay. Read it at BuzzFeed Ideas.
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"Why I Will Always Love My Ex-Boyfriends" — xoJane
After a breakup, we tend to think of former significant others as mistakes. With time, however, those sentiments may change. Clarissa Wei wrote a poignant piece on love, how it sometimes isn't enough, and how to embrace the past lovers — even the ones that are no longer in your life. Read it at xoJane.
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