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Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 2, 2015

19 Frustrating Things Today's Kids Will Never Experience


Having to call the movie theater to find out what time the movie you wanted to see was playing.

Having to call the movie theater to find out what time the movie you wanted to see was playing.

Then finding out -- after listening to the entire recording -- that the movie isn't even playing at that theater.

NBC / Via

Taking your film to be developed and discovering that 99% of the pictures were blurry and no good.

Taking your film to be developed and discovering that 99% of the pictures were blurry and no good.

And then immediately ripping them for fear that someone would see the awful pictures of you.


Turning on the TV Guide Channel right after the channel's listing you wanted to see had already scrolled.

Turning on the TV Guide Channel right after the channel's listing you wanted to see had already scrolled.

Then having to go dig out the newspaper from the garbage can so that you could look it up -- if you didn't want to wait for the listings to scroll all the way around again.


Looking up a listing in the phonebook only to find out it's not in there.

Looking up a listing in the phonebook only to find out it's not in there.

"Oh wait, duh, this phonebook is three years old. WHY DO WE STILL HAVE IT?!"


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