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Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 2, 2015

21 Reasons '90s Kids Will Never Forget "Round The Twist"

There was once an episode with a propeller penis. Seriously.

Firstly, there was that catchy as hell theme song.

"Have you ever? Ever felt like this?"

Buzzfeed Australia / ABC / Via

Seriously, that theme song was a banger.

Seriously, that theme song was a banger.

The only theme song 90s kids know better is The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.


Then there was the completely bizarre story plots.

Like the time Pete got cursed by a ghost dog and had to end every sentence with "without my pants." / Via

Episode Little Squirts saw Bronson befriend a water spirit to win a pissing competition.

Episode Little Squirts saw Bronson befriend a water spirit to win a pissing competition.

No, really.

Buzzfeed / Via ABC

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