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Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 8, 2015

These Magical Disney Cosplayers From D23 Are Pure Awesomeness

They are really making Disney part of their world!

Cody as Flynn Rider and Sarah as Rapunzel:

Cody as Flynn Rider and Sarah as Rapunzel:

Why they chose to cosplay as Rapunzel and Flynn: "The movie Tangled has played a big part in our relationship. In fact, the first song we danced to at our wedding was 'I See the Light.'" -- Sara

Brian Galindo/ BuzzFeed

Brandon as Elsa:

Brandon as Elsa:

Why he chose to cosplay as Elsa: "I really identified with Elsa at the time the movie came out. Also 'Let It Go' really inspired me to find my path at a time that I needed it."

Brian Galindo/BuzzFeed

Mimi as Kidagakash Nedakh:

Mimi as Kidagakash Nedakh:

Why she chose to cosplay as Kidagakash: "She is my favorite underrated princess. And l love girls that can fight."

Brian Galindo/BuzzFeed

Richard as Ariel and Ross as Prince Eric:

Richard as Ariel and Ross as Prince Eric:

Why Richard chose to cosplay as Ariel: "'Cause I love her. She is my absolute favorite character."

Why Ross chose to cosplay as Prince Eric: "'Cause I love him!"

Brian Galindo/ BuzzFeed

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