“Meet you in two months at the Tower Bridge in London at 4 p.m.”
These days, traveling and the Internet go hand in hand.
You use the Internet to decide where you should go, what you should do when you get there, and where you should stay. And, of course, you use it to find your friends — and to live document the entire process along the way.
Nzswissmedia / Getty Images
But as you know, there was a time, back when Apple was just a fruit and Spotify was not a word, when people ACTUALLY TRAVELED WITHOUT THE INTERNET.
Bgblue / Getty Images
They walked into hostels without reading the Trip Advisor reviews first ...
Mrdoomits / Getty Images
And to meet up with friends, these Wi-Fi-free beings actually picked a meeting spot — say, underneath the Tower Bridge in London on August 23rd — and simply went there.
And if their friends weren't there when they arrived? Bummer. But what can you do.
Stu99 / Getty Images